Art and Ghosts: Aka Lousie

Art and Ghosts Aka Lousie

Otherwise known as Louise, Art&Ghosts creates stunning digital paintings/illustration. She uses photoshop /wacom combo to meticulously handcolor each image.These are inspired from a plethora of sources, including fairytales, mythology, dolls, spectres, dreams and nature….

Some Art&Ghosts facts:

My images usually begin with a photograph, a painting or a doll portrait. I buy many dolls then sell them on for this reason alone (so fickle!), although i do possess a somewhat overbearing collection of plastic animals, dolls house furniture and vintage frocks. My backgrounds are generally my own paintings or textures that i have created or photographed. Although most of my ‘completed’ work is digital, my sources are rather ecclectic at best. - louise

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